10 pictures from Pakistan that are sure to blow your mind!

Skardu/cold desert

Peaks of K-2

Dudipatsar Lake

Naltar Valley

Shangrila Lake

Siri Paye

Pakistan Monument/ Islamabad

River Kunhar

Lahore Railway station 

K-2's base camps

Many tourists visit Pakistan due to it's alluring beauty, greenery and most of all it's breathtaking peaks however these tourist activities had declined after the incident of 9/11. For many years Pakistan had to face sanctions, bans and most horrifically a serious decline in tourism industry. The social media along with other telecommunication means  helped to revive and boost up this drastic loss and after years of hard work Pakistan managed to attract  700,000 tourists in the year 2016. The stats continue to accelerate as now, the security issues in the country seem to resolve along with the increasing hypnotic pictures of it's topography on the internet.
If you are a traveler planning to visit Pakistan, I wish you a safe journey and no more because Pakistanis have always been known for their extreme hospitality!
 Author of the blog


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